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April 16 2024     EnglishEnglish    SpanishSpanish

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Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Bacolod, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Abroad

TxtmeQuick is the bridge between a business phone number and the marketplace of Mobile phones. We are the first to offer two-way messaging dialogue with existing and familiar 10 digit business phone numbers. In contrast to what many think we are, SMS Marketing is a one-way push of information from a six digit short code with little to no dialogue opportunity. But dialogue is inherently the core value of TxtmeQuick and what sets us apart from the rest. ‘Text’ is a language consumers speak in their personal lives, now business just needs to join the conversation.

Company: txtmeQuick
Company Type: Employer
Contact Name: Sid
Industry: Computers & Telecomm.
Address: 1629 K St NW, Washington DC
Zip/Postal Code: 20006
Phone: << Hidden Information >>
E-mail:  [ Send Private Message ] 
URL: http:// tion=ufi
Registered from: 05/05/2017
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